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A L L  R I G H T S  R E S E R V E D  ©  2 0 1 4  C A N A D A  E X C L U S I V E

D e s i g n  R A Y P H O T O  s t u d i o,  C r e a t e d  b y  WEB - STAR

Air Canada

Chamber of Commerce

CANADA Exclusive
Mariánska 12
811 08 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
Tel.:  +421 252 932 895
Fax:  +421 252 932 896
Cell:  +421  911 424 435

s  p e c i a l

Steirereck Restaurant

Chef Heinz Reitbauer pushes the boundaries of Austrian cuisine in thrilling ways at his beautiful restaurant on the banks of the river Wien in Vienna’s central park. His cooking draws heavily on the Styrian roots of his family, incorporating unusual ingredients from the region’s fields and rivers, as well as his own farm. The stunning produce is handled with the utmost respect in the kitchen, with Reitbauer using his own ground-breaking cookery techniques that are now inspiring other chefs around the world. He is supported by his dynamic sous chef Manuel Ressi and a twenty-eight strong brigade of chefs.

Currently Steirereck holds two Michelin stars, and four toques from Gault Millau. It has been voted the best restaurant in Austria by A` la carte magazine and the Falstaff Guide. Since 2009 the restaurant is included among the San Pellegrino World’s Fifty Best Restaurants.

The restaurant trade has always been in Reitbauer’s blood. His parents first set up Steirereck in 1970 and he trained under some of Europe’s best chefs, including Alain Chapel near Lyon and Anton Mosimann in London, before returning home to eventually head up the family business. The knowledge he has accrued during his career is evident in beautifully presented dishes such as puntarella (chicory) with woodruff, sweet potato and sea buckthorn and a dessert of quince with burnt milk and lavender. A huge wine list showcasing hundreds of indigenous varietals from Austria’s best vineyards is further reason to visit.

  Open: Mon - Fri 11:30 AM - 3:00 PM

           Evenings from 6:30 PM

        Address: Am Heumarkt 2A / im Stadtpark

           1030 Vienna, Austria

             Tel.: +43 1 713 31 68
