CANADA Exclusive

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A L L  R I G H T S  R E S E R V E D  ©  2 0 1 4  C A N A D A  E X C L U S I V E

D e s i g n  R A Y P H O T O  s t u d i o,  C r e a t e d  b y  WEB - STAR

Air Canada

Chamber of Commerce

CANADA Exclusive
Mariánska 12
811 08 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
Tel.:  +421 252 932 895
Fax:  +421 252 932 896
Cell:  +421  911 424 435

s  p e c i a l

CANADA Exclusive sponsoring:

On 24 November President of Canadian Slovak Chamber of Commerce opened exhibition of famous surrealist painter Mr. Ladislav Guderna, who lived and created in Vancouver. The exhibition opened in Mirbach Palace in Bratislava together with painter’s son - Martin, who is similarly successful as his father. On opening, attended by prominent collectors from USA, Canada and Hong Kong.

Rock opera Pietro e Lucia, which was inspired by the novel "Pierre et Luce" Romain Rolland

Made in: Canada work of Ballet of Slovak National Theatre under the direction of world-renowned Canadian choreographer James Koudelka


Media partner for the Europe of

World - known

Cirque du Soliel

Profile of few artists you can find here.