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Air Canada

Chamber of Commerce

CANADA Exclusive
Mariánska 12
811 08 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
Tel.:  +421 252 932 895
Fax:  +421 252 932 896
Cell:  +421  911 424 435

s  p e c i a l

La Degustation Bohême Bourgeoise

Taste the remarkable Czech and continental cuisine of La Degustation Bohême Bourgeoise served in two tasting menus.

Like at the most world-renowned restaurants, the menu at La Degustation Bohême Bourgeoise offers a presentation by serving a selection from two menus consisting of tasting portions of 3 to 5 bites complemented with amuse-bouche.

The first menu – Dégustation du Chef – is the menu of our chef Oldřich Sahajdák. He picks the best seasonal ingredients available on the market in the given season, processing and preparing them in a very fashionable way. His is a creatively conceived menu with an unmistakeable signature of the chef.

The second menu – Dégustation Bohême Bourgeoise – is a celebration of traditional Czech cuisine of the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, the heyday of Czech cuisine. The inspiration comes from the culinary experience of a renowned 19th century cooking personality, Mrs. Marie B. Svobodová.

The individual courses are prepared as per the current offer of the market and our suppliers. Meals vary every day, with fresh seasonal ingredients always naturally granted, and sourced from Czech organic farms and small Czech growers.

Our wine cellar boasting a wide range of wines from leading world-famous winemakers is looked after by three experienced sommeliers under the guidance of Roman Novotný, who devote the same degree of care to our guests. The individual courses in each menu may be accompanied with matching wines.

Chef de cuisine:  Oldřich Sahajdák

Chef sommelière:  Roman Novotný

Restaurant manager: Tomáš Brosche

La Degustation Bohême Bourgeoise

Haštalská18, Praha 1

Phone: 222  311  234

Opening times: Mon-Sun 18:00 – 24:00