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Silvio Nickol Gourmet Restaurant Palais Coburg
Amongst the institutions of enjoyment and dining pleasure in Vienna, the Palais Coburg occupies a special position. The Silvio Nickol Gourmet Restaurant, awarded with two Michelin stars, is a fascinating place for gourmets and wine enthusiasts
Chef Silvio Nickol is synonymous with creative cuisine at the highest level. The gourmet restaurant at the Palais Coburg is a place of comprehensive, contemporary dining culture. Creative interpretation of classic dishes and exceptionally composed innovations as well as subtly arranged interaction of food and wine are the main topics in the gourmet restaurant of the Palais Coburg.
In the wine list more than five thousand positions are listed. The sommeliers are devoted to the care and best presentation of fine wines and Chef Silvio Nickol provides adequate creations to accompany the exceptional vintages from the Palais Coburg Wine Archive.
Silvio Nickol Gourmet Restaurant
Coburgbastei 4, 1010 Vienna, Austria
Tuesday – Saturday
6 pm. to 9:30 pm.
Phone: +43 1 518 18-
Mail: reservierung@palais-
2 stars Guide Michelin, 99 points Falstaff Guide. 3 Hauben/18 points Gault Millau, 98 points a la carte