A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D © 2 0 1 4 C A N A D A E X C L U S I V E
D e s i g n R A Y P H O T O s t u d i o, C r e a t e d b y WEB -
CANADA Exclusive
Mariánska 12
811 08 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
Tel.: +421 252 932
Fax: +421 252 932 896
Cell: +421 911 424 435
s p e c i a l
Mraz & Sohn
Markus Mraz was born in Vienna 1968, after he finished the college of hotel management Modul, he startet his own business together with his father, the restaurant „Mraz & Sohn“.
Markus Mraz is a autodidact, the restaurant wich startet as a ordinary austrian eatery he developed to a 1 Star Michelin restaurant where you can find since many years the most creative cuisine.
He enlarge his culinary knowledge and ideas by travelling through the whole world to construe new fascinating dishes, often based on austrian cuisine, when he gets home.
Mraz & Sohn had always been a family business and this is part of the philosophy and the strenght of this house.
Defacto Peggy Strobel chairs the service with hart and takes fondly care of the guests.
Both sons Manuel and Lukas Mraz are skilled and very dedicated cooks. Manuel is as well making music and he is drawing all the pictures in our restaurant.
The sommelier Pascal Kopetzki supportes the guest very professional by selecting the right wine from a choise of almost 1000 different wines.
For us is the most important thing, that people who share our passion for good food and wine come in our restaurant to enjoy and feel comfortable as in there own livingroom.
Wallensteinstrasse 59, A-
Phone:+43 1 330 45 94
Opening times: Mon-