A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D © 2 0 1 4 C A N A D A E X C L U S I V E
D e s i g n R A Y P H O T O s t u d i o, C r e a t e d b y WEB -
CANADA Exclusive
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s p e c i a l
Barbara Gregusova -
Costume Designer for Theatre & Film, Jewelery Artist
Nominated for LEO Award 2009 for Best Costume Design
in Short Drama „Bollywood Beckons“
When Barbara Gregusova was approached with the chance to create the fashions for
a new cyberpunk web series, the 26-
It’s not often a designer sees a value in producing, but Barbara already has her
eye on making her own movies. Unlike every other actor who wants to direct, Barbara
is looking for stories she’d love to create costumes for. She already has her eye
on optioning a series of novels that would give her the chance to play with the fashions
of ancient Egypt.
While Barbara is an artist first, she’s an artist with an entrepreneurial spirit
who loves a challenge. Right now I like making coats and dresses, but I like to make
dresses that don’t just have a couple of pieces of patterns, I like making dresses
that have 36 pieces of patterns, designs that are intricate and geometrical. And
I love building from scratch.”
If you shake Barbara Gregusova’s family tree, everything that falls out will be sculpted,
painted, crafted or designed. As she talks about recent assignments -
At five years old Barbara was already a cover girl, posing for her father in one
of her mother’s outfits on the cover of a Slovak children’s fashion magazine, created
and co-
Barbara started sewing on her
own pink children’s sewing machine, before she could read, but she preferred her
mother’s professional model and was designing her first outfits for her Barbie dolls
when she was six. She kept the Barbie dresses sleeveless though. “I still don’t like
sewing sleeves.”
As a teenager Barbara thought of rebelling against the family business of making
art. “I considered studying architecture at first, but I didn’t have the patience
to draw cubes,” says Barbara. “So I started considering jewelry design. I guess it’s
in the genes.”
In Slovakia the only way to study design at the post secondary level is by invitation,
which means a student not only has to do well on a series of entrance exams, but
they need a portfolio that impresses potential professors. So as soon as she decided
to study jewelry design, Barbara started designing. “I had my first exhibition of
jewelry when I was 16.” Her first collection was eco-
After arriving in Canada in 2004, Barbara enrolled in the theatre program at Capilano
University to study costuming for stage and screen. She then enrolled in Capilano’s
“theatre institute.” One of her mentors was designer Jane Still, who created costumes
for Jumanji (“a movie I watched and loved when I was little”). Barbara designed two
shows as part of her training and made such a strong impression that since graduating
she’s been invited back to Capilano to design at least one show a year. In 2010 she
was hired to design two shows for Capilano – including Cinderella. For Capilano’s
That led to her second feature film job, creating costumes for the upcoming movie, Three Days in Havana, starring Matt Frewer (Max Headroom) and Kathleen Robertson (On the Road Again). Shot in January 2011 in Vancouver and Cuba and written and directed by Gil Bellows (Ally McBeal) and Tony Pantages, the movie is set to be released in 2012.
Gregusova’s also marketing her own line of eco-
For full credits please visit